Frequently Asked Questions

Do limousines and limo buses generally have restrooms?

It is uncommon to encounter a limousine which has a restroom, and some of the larger limo buses might have a restroom. Commonly though, you'll find that companies are happy to stop whenever necessary to accommodate restroom breaks.

Is there generally a minimum time commitment when renting a limousine?

You usually will be required to commit for at least 3 hours for most luxury limousine services. This can go up to six hours depending upon the company. This allows the companies to get at least a minimum profit out of each run. As limousines require a hefty initial investment, as well as a high overall maintenance expense to keep running in optimum condition it is important for companies to position themselves to profit from each booked run. If you need a vehicle more luxurious than a taxi for a short period of time, you'll want to look up executive sedan companies which are more geared for pickup/dropoff service and shorter jaunts across town.

Do companies generally allow smoking in limousines?

Most companies do not allow smoking in vehicles for various reasons. You'll be hard-pressed to find a company which does allow smoking in this day and age.

Do companies generally allow drinking alcoholic beverages in limousines?

Most companies do allow alcoholic drinks on their vehicles, so long as everyone in the party is over the age of 21 years. Many limousine companies do not provide the alcohol and therefore, you will need to bring your own supply. Of course, a simple call to your local limousine company can assure you whether or not they supply the alcohol.

How do limo companies handle unscheduled stops?

A good many companies will allow for unlimited stops. Others will start to add extra charges if you deviate from the planned itinerary. If you do not have a rock solid itinerary, you'll want to obtain clarification on this point. Simply ask how they handle schedule deviations.

What can I expect operating hours of a typical limousine company to be?

An established limousine company will generally be available for operations and calls 24/7. When in doubt, just give your local company a call... they're generally available at all hours to answer calls.

Do limousine companies generally impart restrictions on where travel is allowed?

There's no cookie cutter answer for this one. Many companies are very flexible on where they'll take their guests, and some have rigid mileage restrictions within a diameter of their service area. You're just going to have to call around and see which company best suits your needs.

Do limousine and limo bus companies generally have hidden fees within the contract?

Again, this one really depends on the company. Most are not going to deck you with hidden fees, but most will have clauses for damage charges, smoking violation charges, and excessive cleanup charges. If you happen to run with a raucous crowd, you'll certainly want to be mindful of this and ask the appropriate questions when booking with your chosen company.

Do I have to tip my driver or is it included in the time I've already paid for?

Most companies package the driver's tips into the bill, which is a great incentive to hire the best drivers in their areas. When companies do this, they will inform you that tipping their drivers is completely optional and at your discretion. However, we highly recommend calling your local limousine company to ensure that this is their company practice. If it is not, then we definitely recommend tipping your driver if he or she has been great to you and your party.

What if I need to cancel my reservation? Will I get a refund?

This is a tough one for us to answer, because again, it would totally depend upon the company and their individual policies regarding cancellations. We highly recommend you call your local limousine company and discuss with them their cancellation policies and decide from there if you want to use that company, or find a different one if you don't agree with their cancellation policies.